300 E Main St. Hogansville, GA

Increase your chances of being hired by learning a second language


A combination of professional preparation and language and communication proficiency determines the company’s best talent. A study carried out by Forbes magazine in 2017 and updated in 2021 determined that professionals who are bilingual or have a high command of a second language are 37 percent more
likely to find work that matches their professional aspirations.

This percentage is projected to continue to increase. Between the pandemic and the expansion of international trade, markets and companies have become more global. They need professionals who can communicate freely with the workforce in the office and across the country or world. 

This scenario makes the importance of mastering a second language. The English language remains most in demand for bilingual workers. 

In addition to professional growth, a second language also has physical and psychological benefits. For example, a bilingual brain makes better decisions because it has a different way of analyzing situations. 

These neural connections in the brain allow for understanding problems with logic and perspective. Psychologically, a person fluent in a second language has naturally developed a process of adapting to situations much faster and easier than someone who only speaks one language. This increase happens because when learning a new language, you know about another culture, another lifestyle, and another way of communicating. 

These benefits are so apparent that several universities worldwide require students to be proficient in a second language before graduating. This knowledge helps new professionals present themselves as well- rounded both professionally and socially. 

In addition, being an integral professional allows good performance within companies, thus resulting in the economic growth of the organization and, therefore, of the region where its economic activity is carried out. 

If you still need to set a goal to study another language, this is the best time to do it. Let’s do it!

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